Sunday 25 March 2012

Strawberry Perl : Install Module(s)

There are two method to install modules. Either by using CPAN or the build process included in Strawberry Perl

Method 1 : The Building Method

In this example I am installing File::backwards, this is a module that allows reverse find.

Get the module from CPAN

Unzip the module to <Strawberry Perl Folder>\cpan\build\<Module Name>
<Perl InstallPath>\cpan\build\File-ReadBackwards-1.05\
    - blib
    - t

Note: if you have installed Strawberry Perl without the installer or a portable version and the installation folder is not c:\strawberry please refer to the Strawberry Perl Installation issues.
If the module has dependencies you will need to install these in order.

Now Command line to the module folder
> or perl (depending if the .pl file is reference correctly)
>dmake test
>dmake install

Module should now be installed.

Methos 2 : Via CPAN

In this example I will be installing PadWalker, Padwalker is a module which allows you to debug via EPIC/Eclipse. As there are dependencies in PadWalker CPAN installation will automatically install these.

The CPAN way

>perl -MCPAN -e shell
>install PadWalker
hopefully you will get done and the

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