Monday, 30 May 2022

 Fix Issue with VirtualBox and VM Workstation (Windows Host, Linux Guest)

If VM running slowly when using windows as a host or build keep failing in linux. And the green turtle Icon appears at the bottom of virtualbox then the issue is Hypervisor is running. This is not this doesn't seem to be supported in VirtualBox or Workstation

Open PowerShell in admittatur mode

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off


Auto Start Synergy client in Ubuntu 18.04

Search for Startup Applications

Name: Synergy
Command: synergyc -f --no-tray --debug INFO --name dev-GB --enable-crypto --tls-cert /home/dev/.synergy/SSL/Synergy.pem <SERVER NAME/IP ADDRESS>
Comment: Sartup synergy client

If running from ssh
synergyc -f --no-tray --debug INFO --name dev-GB --enable-crypto --tls-cert /home/dev/.synergy/SSL/Synergy.pem <SERVER NAME/IP ADDRESS>